

1/ First of all, it is necessary to explain that THE CHALLENGE is only an added value – a bonus to the workshops. Everything remains the same. As part of one SDK DANCER TICKET, you can choose which workshops you want. Please only choose workshops that you will actually go to! At the SDK, there will be a total of 10 world-class lecturers (mentors) and 5 great lecturer pairs from the Czech Republic and Central Europe.

2/ Within the challenge, you will choose only one most popular lecturerMENTOR (most popular style) during registration, which will give you the chance to fight your way through 3 workshops among the top 20 and then possibly among the top 5 on stage. During these 3 mentoring workshops, no one drops out, you will enjoy all workshops to the fullest until the end.

You have the option to choose a MENTOR for 6 SHOW (hip hop, house, dancehall, 2x choreo, contemporary) or 4 BATTLE TEAMS (hip hop, house, funk, litefeet) according to your preferences. Attention – do not choose other workshops in the registration in the same time when you have 3 workshops of your favorite lecturer!

At every workshop of a world-class lecturer, there are:

  • A/ students who are currently playing the challenge;
  • B/ all other students who chose the workshop, but do not participate in the challenge of this lecturer.

Every student who will be at the workshop of their chosen mentor will be marked on the left shoulder with a sticker of the mentor (everyone will receive it at check-in on the first day of the camp).

3/ If the MENTOR does not choose you after 3 workshops, nothing happens, you have visited his 3 mentoring workshops and you also participate in all the workshops of the other lecturers you have chosen.

4/ If you make it to the TOP 20, you will also get another bonus workshop and mentoring with your favorite mentor, and you will try to fight your way up to the TOP 5 on the stage alongside him.

5/ So on the last day we will see 6 SHOW and 4 BATTLE teams of all 10 world mentors, always with their TOP 5 best dancers, with whom they will prepare for the final SHOW/BATTLE. 50 dancers will succeed and get to the 10 winning teams. So the chances are high!



The goal is to create a camp where every dancer can live their unique dance story. Carefully selecting mentors ensures that we provide not only great dancers but also excellent people and, most importantly, exceptional teachers.

We believe this concept will be enjoyable for the dance schools managers. We plan to work closely with mentors, creating videos to enhance our communication with dancers.

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